
  1. Collaboration and networking among academic at global platform
  2. Evidence based Practice: Application self management in chronic conditions
  3. Virtual simulation in nursing education
  4. Implication of ASEAN qualification framework in nursing practices
  5. International standard for nursing education: Indonesian Perspectives
  6. Government strategy in anticipating foreign nurses
  7. Empowering family as care giver for elderly clients
  8. Preparing a Manuscript for International Publication
  9. Qualitative Reasearch Analysis



The scope of the 5th ICON 2019 (oral and poster presentation) focuses on all areas of nursing and health sciences, covering research, education, and clinical settings.  Types of article may include: original research, review, and case studies.



Regarding to enhance the submission amount of qualitative research publication, we proudly announce that we will also hold workshop of qualitative research with the details of the topic as follows :

  1. Preparing a Manuscript for International Publication (Prof. Dr. Titin Andri Wihastuti.,S.Kp.,M.Kes, Universitas Brawijaya)
  2. Qualitative Research Analysis (Dr. dr. Retty Ratnawati., M.Sc, Universitas Brawijaya)