The 4th International Conference on Nursing

International Conference on Nursing (ICON) September 8th-9th, 2018

The Impact of No Mobile Phone Phobia (Nomophobia) on Mental Health: A Systematic Review

December 1, 2018 admin Abstracts / Papers

Author :

Eka Nurwahyuni

Affiliation :

Student, Master of Nursing Program, Universitas Brawijaya, Malang, Indonesia

Abstract :

Introduction The development of telecommunications is increasing rapidly, almost everyone uses mobile phones, especially smartphones. This happens because mobile phones can make it easier for someone to communicate quickly, easily and practically. But excessive use of mobile phones can make a person become addicted and even excessive anxiety if not together with mobile phone. This situation is called nomophobia. Initially nomophobia describes the use of mobile phones and computers. But recent research has focused on nomophobia on the use of mobile phones only. Methods This systematic review is prepared by searching and analyzing various results of research on nomophobia. Especially for studies that examine the negative effects of nomphobia on mental health. Results There are 8 research results identified, the study was conducted from 2014-2018. These studies examine the use of excessive mobile phones. The results show there are several mental health problems that can be caused by nomophobia. The result of identification in these journals show nomophobia causes mental health problem such us anxiety, depression, social isolation, decreased self-control and empathy, interpersonal relationship disorders, and low self-esteem. Conclusion Nomophobia causes mental disorder. However more advanced studies are needed to prove the side effects of using smart phones against mental health.

Keywords :

Nomophobia; Mobile Phone; Mental Health

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