The 4th International Conference on Nursing

International Conference on Nursing (ICON) September 8th-9th, 2018

The Effect of the Therapeutic Wax Play on Anxiety Levels of Preschool Children (3-6 years old) Underwent Hospitalization in Garuda Ward at S. K. Lerik Hospital, Kupang City

December 1, 2018 admin Abstracts / Papers

Author :

(1) Fepyani Thresna Feoh; (2) Maria Isabela Abi, (2) Sebastianus Kurniadi Tahu

Affiliation :

(1) Master of Nursing, Universitas Brawijaya, Malang, Indonesia; (2) Departemen of Nursing Program, STIKeS CHMK, Indonesia

Abstract :

Backgrounds At the time of preschool, children often get tired and experience a decline in the immune system so they are susceptible to illness. This often caused the child to experience hospitalization. This study aims to find out the effect of the therapeutic wax play toward the decrease of the anxiety in preschool children underwent hospitalization. Methods This research method was a pre-experimental quantitative research with One group pre-test-post-test design. The sample of this study amounted to 28 repondents preschool children and had undergone treatment at the hospital less than 3 days. The sampling technique used Accidental Sampling. Results The results of Wilcoxon test showed that there was a significant effect of the therapeutic wax play on reducing anxiety levels of preschool children underwent hospitalization as indicated by p_value= 0,025 with anxiety levels (p< 0,05). Conclusions This study proved that the therapeutic wax play can reduced anxiety levels of preschool children underwent hospitalization. Thus, nurses can use the therapeutic wax play as one type of the therapeutic to overcome anxiety in children who experienced hospitalization.

Keywords :

The therapeutic wax play; Anxiety; Preschool children

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