The 4th International Conference on Nursing

International Conference on Nursing (ICON) September 8th-9th, 2018

Factors Analysis related to Bullying Behavior of Adolescents living in Islamic Boarding School

December 1, 2018 admin Abstracts / Papers

Author :

Ridhoyanti Hidayah, Nuril Laili Fajriatussholiha, Retno Lestari

Affiliation :

School of Nursing, University of Brawijaya, Malang, Indonesia

Abstract :

Introduction Bullying behavior is a verbal, physical, social and psychological aggressive and repeated behavior. Bullying has a significant effect on adolescents’ mental health, emotional well-being and identity. It is influenced by several factors. The factors are level of knowledge, emotional intelligence and social interaction. Methods The study design was a cross-sectional survey using the questionnaire. One hundred and seventy students living in the Islamic Boarding School were invited to participate for this research. Results The results showed that there was a significant correlation with the p value 0.029 and a negative correlation -168. It means that the higher level of knowledge, the lower of bullying behavior. The results of emotional intelligence and bullying behavior using the lambda contingency coefficient test showed that there was a significant correlation with p value 0.002<0.05 and correlation coefficient 0.0185. The results of social interaction and bullying behavior using the lambda contingency coefficient showed that there was a significant correlation between social interaction with bullying behavior, with p value 0.02<0.05 and correlation coefficient 0.136. Conclusion It is very important to involve school, parents and health institutions to promote and prevent bullying behavior among adolescents in the school and community, especially in the area of Islamic Boarding Schools.

Keywords :

Bullying Behavior; Level of Knowledge; Emotional Intelligence; Social Interaction