The 4th International Conference on Nursing

International Conference on Nursing (ICON) September 8th-9th, 2018

The Role of Nurses in Reducing the Anxiety Level of Pre-Appendectomy Patients at Bahteramas General Hospital, Southeast Sulawesi Province

December 1, 2018 admin Abstracts / Papers

Author :

(1) (2) Eman Sulaiman; (3) Syam Nurcahya

Affiliation :

(1) Master of Nursing, Universitas Brawijaya, Malang, Indonesia; (2) General Hospital of Aliyah Kendari, Indonesia; (3)Department of Nursing, STIK Avicenna, Kendari, Indonesia

Abstract :

Background Pre operation anxiety is as an anticipated response to an experience with could be considered by patients as a serious threat to their roles of life, body integrities, or more over their own life. Nurses have very important roles in helping patients to overcome anxieties, because nurses are as health service of most closeness and most take a long time with patients. Objective of research is to analyze roles of nurses on anxiety level of patients pre appendectomy operation inpatient of General Hospital of Bahteramas Southeast Sulawesi Province. Methods The type of research is analytical observation using cross sectional study approach, Data analyzed by using statistical test of Mann-Whitney with a significant level < 0,05. Population amount of research are all patients pre appendectomy operation inpatient of General Hospital of Bahteramas in period March-April 2014 in amount 36 people. Sampling was done by total sampling. Results Data collected by using questionnaires and observation sheets. For roles as nurses as advocators to anxieties level of patients pre appendectomy obtained value of sig = 0,000, for roles of nurses as consultants value of sig = 0,000, and for roles of nurses as educators value of sig = 0,004 in significant level < 0,05. Results of research showed as follow there are significant correlation of nurses roles and anxieties level of patients pre appendectomy. Conclusions The better the role of nurses as advocates, consultants, and educators, the lower the level of anxiety of pre-appendectomy.

Keywords :

Role of Nurses; Anxiety Level; Pre-Appendectomy

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